Plume tectonics

Plume tectonics is a geophysical theory that finds its roots in the mantle doming concept (which did not accept major plate movements and continental drifting) which was especially popular during the 1930s, and survived throughout the seventies up till today in various forms and presentations. It has slowly evolved into a concept that recognises and accepts large scale plate motions such as envisaged by plate tectonics, but placing them in a framework where large mantle plumes are the major driving force of the system.

The theory focuses on the movements of postulated mantle plumes under tectonic plates viewing them as the major driving force of movements of (parts of) the Earth's crust. It tries to reconcile in one single geodynamic model the horizontalistic concept of Plate tectonics, and the verticalistic concepts of mantle plumes and hot spots, together with the existence of various super continents in Earth history. This theory has little support in mainstream geology. More plausible is the view that mantle plumes do not make an appreciable contribution to plate motions, or to volcanism on Earth's surface.[1]


See also